Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Was everybody gay in 1933?

Jeffrey Lurie has got to be fucking kidding me with these new Eagles throwbacks:

The design is actually kind of slick -- the helmets especially -- but oh, mercy, those colors are bad. They had metallic pale blue in 1933? To reprise a crack I made during an IM conversation yesterday, these look like something Pat would wear beneath a khaki blazer.


Unknown said...

Wait, but those look just like the Charg -----


St said...

But the Chargers don't have nearly as much yellow. And their normal colors are blue and yellow, so it's different. Plus they have pretty lightning bolts.

How the hell does a Philly team don metallic blue and yellow? I could try to understand blue and yellow -- but metallic?

Chuck Bednarik is rolling over in his grave. (He's not dead, but he's dead to me.)